Sunday, August 25, 2013

Don't be a shy kinda guy I'll bet it's beautiful

Sup 'yall!
Guess what I did today... DROVE A RACE CAR! Well its a stock car, which is still a race car, but don't go picturing nascar or anything haha -- think Chick Hicks from Disney's Cars (the green guy).

Here's me getting my photo with one of the stock cars

This is me getting suited up to go. I had to go in the orange car because I was one
 of the shortest people there and it was the only car with an adjustable seat.

Here's me ripping around the oval... and look just like 
in Cars - my headlights are stickers! Crazyyyyy! 

All in all a pretty cool day, but of anything it made me realize two things:
1) I really want to learn how to race my bike. Maybe one day buy an MV Agusta and track race with it
2) I love the idea of doing things that very few people can say they've done, or at least interesting things that are unique and once in a life time. I mean how many people can say they had a racecar driving lesson and got to drive a racecar 15 laps, on a race track, fully suited up!? NOT TOO MANY I'D THINK. Now the hard part is to find other cool things to do -- suggestions?!

Lastly, I am making a written promise to myself to try to attend more school sanctioned functions. Been a student at the University for 4 damn years already and I attended 1 football game. This needs to change.

p.s. Incase you are unaware (like me up until 5 minutes ago), clicking any photo on my blog will make it bigger for you! JUST FOUND THIS OUT AND I'M SUPER JAZZED ABOUT IT

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I've got that summer time, summer time sadness

Woahhhhh serious business year and a half long hiatus! I would feel bad... except I don't... sorry... Tumblr has taken over my life and I'm 100% okay with that.

We can start off by discussing my life and any/all of the changes that have taken place:

At the moment I'm working at Harley-Davidson (but only for the summer) as well as working at Sephora (part time). I'm still going to the University and I'm looking forward to my 5th and final year. I've made some new friends, got some new piercings, learned some new life lessons, and (hopefully) grown as a person.

Because I have nothing massively important to tell you about, how about I show you a photo of my vacation to Kennewick Washington -- this is the view from my hotel room! Pretty yes!?
We go down for the boat races and it's always a good time. Nothing quite like going on a vacation where you can just sit back and relax.

 I also recently house-sat for my brother and look at this sweet baby angel that I got to care for. IS HE NOT THE COOLEST LOOKING CAT EVER. If I could steal one thing from my brother's house it would be him. He follows you around like a dog, comes when he is called, snuggles 24/7, and overall just the greatest. I never really saw myself as a 'cat-person' but I miss him =(

Lastly, I'm going to try to keep this blog semi-updated. Solely because the blogs of Smosty and Mandy have inspired me! Plus I'm really enjoying reading through my old posts - not only does it make me remember what happened but I'm decently impressed with my writing and wit... and hey, maybe it will inspire me to take more pictures of my everyday life (seeing as I have no instagram to bombard). 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's been six months and still no word, I don't deserve it?

Apologies for the hiatus. Reading week and all at school – aka I worked extra shifts and had no life. FUN. I just wanted to share a look I did for work. For spring Sephora has launched the ‘Spring Trends’ and in doing so all of the staff is meant to wear one of the looks while working. I was bored so I figured why not go all out?

This is the look’s ‘description’ – basically you can either do really dark smoky eyes or line the inside of your eyes a TON and then blend it around the lashes a bit. I went for the latter.

These were taken on my macbook before I left for work so apologies for the lack of quality. One thing I must say – if your eye even gets REMOTELY itchy – you are doomed. One touch to anywhere near your water line and there is liner EVERYWHERE. Other then that I got a lot of compliments and it was fun!

Friday, February 3, 2012

My light up shoes on - They love the way my kicks flash

I love the challenge - all of them. I cannot even profess my love for it enough. If I had to pick one TV guilty pleasure it would definitely be the challenge. I am so team CT and Diem this season and I really hope they reconcile their differences and win! I remember watching an episode of MADE starring Diem and it was after the challenge when they were dating outside the show and the way they are together is just perfect. PLEASE WIN.

I’m thinking of purchasing a full size bottle of Laura Mercier’s silk crème foundation. Which is saying a lot because I’ve only taken one sample home and so far I’m impressed compared to the 2-3 samples I’ve taken of NARS sheer glow/matte. With the silk crème I literally tried it once and said, “Ohh, I like this”. BUT it’s like $50 so I really have to decide between getting LM or the Smashbox bb cream. I KNOW THIS IS ALL OVER THE PLACE BUT I’M HAVING A DILEMMA ALL RIGHT. Don’t even get me started on my skin care issues. So frustrating.

I wish I had copious amounts of gift cards to Victoria’s Secret. I could literally own 100 pairs of panties and still want more. They are just so cute! Also currently I’m getting tired of the style of bra I wear (I have 4 of the exact same style) – unfortunately VS doesn’t actually make it in my size so I compromise a bit but I’d love to find a bra that actually FITS PERFECTLY and looks cute too. Mission accepted.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

For love is blind and you're far too kind

I feel like the best way to stick to my new years resolutions is to write them down. (Wow self, 21 days into the month and you are finally writing them down. Good for you.)
First off my goal for this year is to floss my teeth every night before bed! This may seem like a silly resolution but I am a strong believer that making healthy things a habit is always a good idea, and honestly who doesn’t need to floss a little bit more? (So far I’ve been really good and flossed every night! Even those nights where you get home at 3 in the morning and just want to fall down in bed!)
My second goal for the year is to remove all of my makeup before bed. This has been something that I’ve been doing since the summer but I still feel like it’s important that I write it down and stick with it. I just want my skin to be lovely again and I am determined to make good habits and stick with them!
The third thing will sound silly but I am resolving to not put stuff on my staircase – either I am going to walk my ass upstairs and put it away or I am going to put it somewhere on the main level but everyone is sick of my putting all my stuff right in the middle of the staircase (meaning it is 100x harder for them to go up and down the stairs) Bad habit I will break you!
The last resolution is one I try to make every semester and never keep with it (but who does keep all of their resolutions. Honestly.) and that is to keep up with my readings for all my classes so I’m not a frantic mess a couple of days before the midterm/final attempting to read like 200 pages a night. So far I’m doing okay for this in a couple of my classes but not all of them. Someone please motivate me!

Other then that there’s always the usual eat healthier, exercise more often, swear less, be a better person etc. Those don’t require explanation though, I think those are the basic resolutions that everyone makes =P

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'll give you all of me, even though you don't love me

Christmas Hiatus. Apologies. I know there are just SO many people waiting on my every word here. Not.

First- I know people tend to hate when they are listening to something and then suddenly their friends are obsessed with said music. I understand, I do, but sometimes our friends have the best taste in music. This brings me to my point of being mildly obsessed with The Weeknd. Nothing new to some people but oh my dear baby J the sound of his voice is like heaven. If that were playing in a room that smelled like a less pungent Abercrombie store I might need to be strapped down. Serious business here people.

Second- I do not want to go back to school at all. I’m currently having quite the issue with picking between two different English classes. One is a case study of women’s American literature and the other is a case study of plagiarism in literature. I was so jacked on the women in lit class (because its with a prof I’ve had before and I thought she was pretty good) but as of recent events I have decided I maybe don’t like her as much as I thought I did – therefore maybe I should branch out into new areas with new teachers! I am so confused! The other factor in this is that if I take the plagiarism class I wont start class till 2 pm on Tues and Thurs and lets be honest here that is just a recipe for bad news. Aid please come my way.

Third – (lastly) I wanted to follow up on my last post about never being fully happy. I truly think that I’m often just trying to find something wrong with the situation so that I can get out of it- even if it’s fine. My issue right now is that I don’t know if things are going well or not, and no one knows enough about the two of us to make an executive decision. Boo.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I'd rather be with you but you are not around

I’m fairly good at not procrastinating when it comes to things I need to do but when it comes to reading a textbook full of commonsense information I find it a bit difficult to stay on task. I already understand that when immigrants move to a new country they are more likely to move into the major cities. This is something I need to read a whole chapter about? God-forbid I not read the ENTIRE chapter or I might miss something important though. *sigh*

I don’t think I’m ever really happy. I like to think that I know what will make me happy and that to an extent I’m as happy as I need to be but I cant help but feel that when I actually get what I thought I wanted, I no longer really want that thing. Grass is always greener right? You just think I’d have learned by now. Everybody wants what they don’t have. That’s just life. I’m so ungrateful sometimes. 14 year old me is SUPER jealous of 20 year old me right now.

96% of my Christmas shopping is done and I’m pretty proud of myself. The sad part? I think I’m most excited for the secret santa with some friends. Mostly because it will be a totally random gift and I don’t have any expectation in mind so I cant be disappointed! (I really really hope everyone likes what I got them. I tried real hard this year guys!)