Saturday, November 19, 2011

Couldn’t give a fuck about our old friends

I have not been to a movie theatre in ages and it is really depressing. I’m missing out on all the new jams!

Also fun fact- almost cut off my thumb at work on Thursday. I seriously could not stop laughing idk what was wrong with me but it was stupid. I just stood there staring at my bloody hand laughing. I love all the girls I work with though and could not ask for a better team. (Side story – We have a manager visiting who trains all the other managers and since we don’t have a real manager atm he is filling in. Well I work in OPS, which is the back, and I work there with a girl named Emma and another girl named Sara. Today the visiting manager kept calling me Emma and I thought he was getting me confused with the other OPS girl… nope. I remind him of baby spice and her name is Emma. New nickname for me. SCORE)

I hate Spanish. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I know I’ll be happy when it’s over that I took it but right now I actually want to get hit by a car to avoid my midterm. Any takers? I don’t want anything fatal maybe just a slight concussion so I can be exempt? IT’S TOTALLY A SOLID PLAN.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wobble-dy wobble-dy wa wobble wobble

I wonder if I actually spent all my time doing homework and studying if I would be acing all my classes. At the beginning of the year I was so gung-ho to keep caught up with the readings and then when midterms came around I’d already know everything! Didn’t really happen…maybe next semester! But at the moment I feel like I have so many things fast approaching I don’t know where to start. Ohh well.

Working Tuesdays has killed my ability to see movies. And the fact that there are no blockbusters does not help this fact. During the summer I saw a movie almost every cheap Tuesday! And since school/work has started I haven’t gone to see any! There were so many good looking movies that I wanted to see! And now even when they come out on dvd I wont be able to rent them! I asked my dad about getting Netflix on our blueray but he says you have to have a “Netflix enabled blueray and that those are different”. I thought if your blueray had internet access you were good to go? Why this gotta be so hard! Maybe for Christmas ill ask for an xbox and then we can just get it on that.

I love my job. I really do. Yes there are days that I get home and think “God I do not want to work tonight” but in all honesty it is so much fun and so perfect for me. I just love talking about makeup and everyone that works there/comes in shares that passion. SO MUCH FUN.  Also being in the back so being a bamf that knows where everything is and people ask you for help all the time doesn’t hurt ;)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

On my own too, fuck whose saying different

I have too much to read it’s not even funny right now. Sometimes I hate that the main source of homework I have is reading novels. You can read like 3 textbooks at a time (like one chapter here one chapter there) but when it comes to books I like to finish a book before I start the next one. Which means I have like 4 books to read this week. SUPER.

On another note I hate washing makeup brushes. My hands get so raisin-y from being under the water and usually I have all my brushes to do (because I just cant do them right after I use them that would be too easy). This means it takes like a half hour to do. JUST SO TIME CONSUMING. WAH. That's not even all of them. Took so long. 

Also with snow comes cold and with cold comes flannel sheets. I’m very excited. Those bad boys are going on TONIGHT. I just love Christmas season in general. The only thing I dislike is when you are walking around bundled up and then you go inside and you are suddenly DYING OF HEAT because you are wearing so many layers. Just terrible.