I have not been to a movie theatre in ages and it is really depressing. I’m missing out on all the new jams!
Also fun fact- almost cut off my thumb at work on Thursday. I seriously could not stop laughing idk what was wrong with me but it was stupid. I just stood there staring at my bloody hand laughing. I love all the girls I work with though and could not ask for a better team. (Side story – We have a manager visiting who trains all the other managers and since we don’t have a real manager atm he is filling in. Well I work in OPS, which is the back, and I work there with a girl named Emma and another girl named Sara. Today the visiting manager kept calling me Emma and I thought he was getting me confused with the other OPS girl… nope. I remind him of baby spice and her name is Emma. New nickname for me. SCORE)
I hate Spanish. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I know I’ll be happy when it’s over that I took it but right now I actually want to get hit by a car to avoid my midterm. Any takers? I don’t want anything fatal maybe just a slight concussion so I can be exempt? IT’S TOTALLY A SOLID PLAN.